ii. Pen Portraits

Governing Body 2020-2021

To find out more about the members of our Governing body, please click on the relevant name.  We hope to have more information about each of our Governors in the very near future.

Name Position Date  appointed  Appointed by Term renewal Date of leaving office  Business interests Governor of another school Related to any member of staff Able to vote  
Paul Lawson Foundation Governor (Chair)  01/09/2017 Diocese 31/08/2021 None St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Leeds No Yes
Deirdre Jones Foundation Governor (Vice Chair)  01/09/2015 Diocese 31/8/2023 None No No Yes
Tony Britten Local Authority Governor 01/09/2019 Leeds City Council  31/8/2023
Ellen McCarthy Parent Governor 18/10/2017 Leeds City Council 17/10/2021  None No No Yes
James O’Doherty Principal 1/9/2020 Diocese None No No Yes
Kieran Sykes Staff Governor  10/10/2010  10/10/2022  None Our Lady Of Good Counsel, Catholic Primary School, Leeds No Yes
Fr. Pat Wall Foundation Governor  26/01/2017 Diocese 25/01/2025  None No No Yes
Sheelagh Pickles Foundation Governor 3/11/2020 Diocese 2/11/2024
Marie Mahony Foundation Governor 15/6/2020 Diocese 14/6/2024
Kieran Preston Foundation Governor 6/11/2020 Diocese 5/11/2024
Tina Pattison Clark to the Governing Body Leeds City Council
Caroline Hyde Foundation Governor 01/09/2017 Diocese 08/10/2021 31/8/2020 None Yes No Yes