Young people, who are still at school but receive income support in their own right, can also receive free school meals.
Your children are entitled to free school meals if you receive:
If you’re on any of the above benefits, it’s still important to register for a free school meal to ensure your child’s school doesn’t miss out on funding call pupil premium.
Please note, if you are entitled to Working Tax Credit you do not qualify for free school meals unless:
If you only want to claim for free school meals and your child attends a school in Leeds, use the free school meals claim form:
When completing the form, only list those children who attend school within Leeds.
You can hand your signed and completed form in at any One Stop Centre or local housing office, or post it to:
Welfare and Benefits
P.O. BOX 60
2 Great George Street
Leeds, LS2 8JR
Young people, who are still at school but receive income support in their own right, can also receive free school meals.
Your children are entitled to free school meals if you receive:
If you’re on any of the above benefits, it’s still important to register for a free school meal to ensure your child’s school doesn’t miss out on funding call pupil premium.
Please note, if you are entitled to Working Tax Credit you do not qualify for free school meals unless:
If you only want to claim for free school meals and your child attends a school in Leeds, use the free school meals claim form:
When completing the form, only list those children who attend school within Leeds.
You can hand your signed and completed form in at any One Stop Centre or local housing office, or post it to:
Welfare and Benefits
P.O. BOX 60
2 Great George Street
Leeds, LS2 8JR